Supplier Engagement HE Tool

Action Plan for Steve Longbottom Photography

Last Updated: 01 March 2024

This is your sustainability action plan based on the issues and impacts you have selected as being relevant to your business.
The questions in the ‘About your business’ section of the Tool are scored.
A range of answers has been provided for each question in each section and each answer is scored with the maximum obtainable as follows:
Modern Slavery – maximum score 15
Ethical Business Practice – maximum score 31
Climate Emergency – maximum score 20
Equality Diversity and Inclusion - maximum score 20
Social/Community Contribution – maximum score 17
Maximum Score = 103

The allocation of levels enables your university/consortia clients to understand your progress on the issues contained in the action plan. A description of the levels is below:
Level 1: Early stages of your sustainability journey with lots of scope for improvements 20% of total score
Level 2: Some good practice in certain areas, with the opportunity to develop further 20-50% of total score
Level 3: Demonstrates a very good understanding of sustainability and social value related to your business practice 50-80% of total score
Level 4: Best in class, this demonstrates a comprehensive commitment to running a sustainable business 80-100% of total score

Level: Level 3
Score: 57

Social Issues and Impacts

Actions you select here will help increase your NETpositive impact on society. Indicate against actions from this list whether they are in progress, are ready to start or have already completed.

Your issues Your action plan

Giving back. I shall look at volunteering and also opportunities to give back to my local community.


We should know more about where the things we buy come from and how they are made

Every product we buy has a story attached to it; how it is made, what it is made from, who has made it and where it has travelled from. These stories all have both positive and negative impacts. Select this issue to explore how to embed responsible purchasing in your business or to share your own approach.

  • Make a public commitment relating to ethical or responsible purchasing

    A simple sustainable procurement commitment (buying 'greener' or more ethical products or services ) can be used to communicate what is important to your business. You may use certified products or services or choose to have your own certified. A public commitment demonstrates to your customers how you consider and address the impacts within your supply chain. Include them as part of your sustainability approach and report on progress accordingly.


    Action status last updated: 01 March 2024

  • Understand the impacts of the products your business buys

    There is a business risk attached to not having any understanding of your supply chain. There may also be opportunities to source more ethical or environmentally sound alternatives (those which produce less waste, have a lower carbon footprint, use less raw materials or are produced with less damage to the environment, and where good labour practices are followed). The starting point is understanding where the products your business depends upon come from and how they are made and transported. Don't be afraid to ask questions of your own suppliers.

    In progress

    Action status last updated: 01 March 2024


Although I don't require a Modern Slavery Policy in terms of employees I will look to work only with large corporations if they have a policy in place.


We have an opportunity to make a positive contribution in our local community

Organisations are likely to have a range of positive or negative impacts on their immediate locality; a responsible business will strive to understand what these impacts are. They will then seek to reduce any negative impacts and make the most of opportunities to enhance the positive impacts they could have.

  • Support the vulnerable in your community

    The vulnerable in your community might be the elderly, at-risk youth, migrants or others living in isolation. Supporting or developing schemes to support these groups might be an activity you can link to staff volunteering or community outreach initiatives.

    Not started

    Action status last updated: 13 March 2023

  • Support crime reduction activity in your local area

    There are likely to be a range of ways your organisation could help reduce crime in your local community. From provision of surveillance to effectively managing spaces so they discourage anti-social behaviour. More information and suggestions can be found in this Bre Trust briefing paper

    Not started

    Action status last updated: 13 March 2023

  • Support homelessness and rough sleeping initatives in your area

    The national Rough Sleeping Strategy outlines ambitions to eradicate homelessness by 2027 and there are likely to be local inititives in your area. Consider how your organisation could contribute to these local efforts.

    Not started

    Action status last updated: 13 March 2023

  • Develop a volunteering or community engagement plan

    Many organisations already have a strong reputation for supporting community activities. From wildlife conservation or growing projects such as Britain in Bloom to volunteering at food banks or youth clubs. Consider how you can maximise your community contribution through your staff engagement programme.

    Not started

    Action status last updated: 13 March 2023


We want to support our community to develop skills and experience

A skilled community benefits everyone. There are opportunities to help individuals in every community acquire skills that support environmental, social and economic development.

  • Support skills development initiatives for disadvantaged groups

    Your business might be able to make a real difference locally by participating in work-experience schemes with more challenging audiences. These might equip young people, ex-offenders or other disadvantaged groups with new skills at the same time as improving the local area. Both the Princes Trust and the Career Transition Partnership have information to explore this.

    Not started

    Action status last updated: 13 March 2023

  • Support skills development initiatives for schools and colleges

    From careers fairs to work experience placements there are likely to be a range of ways you can support skills developments in conjunction with local schools and colleges. The Young Enterprise Scheme is a well-established example.

    Not started

    Action status last updated: 13 March 2023

  • Support low-carbon skills development in the community

    Low-carbon skills across the whole of society are essential to meet the ambition of a zero-carbon future. A significant social value contribution your organisation can make is via outreach programmes and partnering locally to support skills development around carbon literacy. Consider if this is relevant to your organisation and how you could provide access to low-carbon training and/or development for the communities where you operate.

    Not started

    Action status last updated: 13 March 2023


We make work accessible to people from all backgrounds

Discriminating against potential job candidates, or employees based on the protected characteristics detailed in the Equality Act 2010 including: age, sexual orientation, gender, disability, race and socio-economic background leads to an unequal workplace environment and is breaking the law. An equitable workplace will generally have a high level of morale, which leads to better customer satisfaction

  • Organise informal workplace talks around equality, diversity and inclusion

    Inviting an expert speaker into your workplace can be an easy way to keep yourself up-to-date on what is important with regards to diversity. These can be linked to your industry and also support staff cohesion more generally.

    Not started

    Action status last updated: 13 March 2023

  • Employ more people from disadvantaged groups

    Consider if your recruitment process and practice could be improved to help you employ more people from disadvantaged groups. You may be able to provide support that improves the chances of care-leavers, ex-offenders or long-term unemployed to access opportunities.

    Not started

    Action status last updated: 13 March 2023


Improving staff wellbeing and mental health is important to us

All businesses have obligations to meet Health and Safety requirements but an efficient and responsible business really understands the difference a happy and healthy workforce can make - not least to its bottom line! Select this issue to explore actions to help you go beyond compliance or to share your existing good practice in this area.

  • Develop a 'Mental Health at Work' plan for your organisation

    Create a workplace culture that supports good mental health benefits for everyone. The human cost of poor mental health is considerable but there are also business costs associated with poor performance. The Stevenson Review provides a comprehensive starting point with many no-cost or low-cost options that can be introduced to help support a thriving workforce.

    Not started

    Action status last updated: 13 March 2023

  • Provide access to resources which support wellness and good mental health

    Providing mental health resources in the workplace could save a life. The NHS signposts to a range of support and resources you could make accessible to staff or visitors.

    Not started

    Action status last updated: 13 March 2023

Economic Issues and Impacts

Actions you select here will help increase your financial resilience, reduce your business risk and generate a positive impact on the wider economy. Indicate against actions in this list whether they are in progress, are ready to start or have already completed.

Your issues Your action plan

We want to support other local businesses where possible


We want to be part of a robust, resilient and ethical supply chain

Ensuring strong business relationships are formed with suppliers is key to maintaining and developing trust along your supply chains. An effective and responsible business will be keen to share its values with its suppliers for mutual benefit.

  • Guarantee suppliers a payment date

    Businesses can ensure payments are met by a specified date, and offer compensation or another gesture if this deadline is not met. Guaranteeing suppliers a date of payment builds trust across your supply chain as suppliers feel they will suffer less financial risk when carrying out business with you.

    Not started

    Action status last updated: 13 March 2023


We need to grow and learn from the Coronavirus crisis

The global pandemic changed the world very quickly with effects likely to be felt for some time to come. Periods of change can provide opportunities for reflection, learning and improvement.

  • Review workplace practice and policies

    Even if your organisation was not forced to adapt to recent changes it is worth considering if best practice has shifted during this period of change. A review of workplace process and practice to consider this is likely to be a useful starting point. Include identifying if any groups of staff have been disproportionately affected.

    Not started

    Action status last updated: 13 March 2023

  • Undertake market research to re-evaluate customer needs

    The global pandemic has changed individuals as much as organisations. Considering how your customer needs have altered or whether attitudes have shifted is likely to be a useful activity.

    Not started

    Action status last updated: 13 March 2023


We are always looking for ways to win new business

All businesses need a strategy for future growth; financial sustainability is as important as environmental or social sustainability. Responsible businesses are just as keen to win new business, to grow and expand.

  • Ensure your business is 'tender ready'

    Being pro-active about positioning your business to respond to tenders with fast turnaround times can be especially important to smaller organisations. The good news is there is help you can access to make this happen for your business.

    Not started

    Action status last updated: 13 March 2023


We are keen to deliver social innovation for our customers

Innovation is required to respond to an uncertain future. Whether this is the re-shaping of a post-pandemic world or responding to challenges presented by the Climate Emergency. Exploring innovation and sharing learning is an essential part of responsible business.

  • Develop socially innovative approaches to benefit people, communities, and the environment.

    Social innovation that benefits people, communities and the wider society are highly sought by customers and especially those in the public sector. Develop plans and embed practice that supports innovation in your business model.

    Not started

    Action status last updated: 13 March 2023

  • Develop case studies on existing examples of social innovation

    Share examples of social innovation in practice to both raise the profile of your activity and provide inspiration to others. Leaders continue to push the boundaries of excellent practice and share their approaches for community benefit.

    Not started

    Action status last updated: 13 March 2023


We are keen our business contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

192 Member States of the United Nations (including the UK) agreed new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015. They will need the support of businesses to achieve them. Select this statement to explore how your business can get ready to meet this new global challenge.

  • Find out more about the SDGs

    The Sustainable Development Goals were adopted to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. They will impact on business practice over the next decade at least as governments are challenged to demonstrate progress against the targets within them.

    Not started

    Action status last updated: 13 March 2023

  • Know how your business activities can contribute to the SDGs

    Identify how your business activities contribute to the global goals or how they could contribute. A mapping exercise may be needed to identify both risks and opportunities from the SDGs for your business operations.

    Not started

    Action status last updated: 13 March 2023

  • Include the SDGs as part of your sustainability plans and reporting

    The SDGs could be at the heart of your sustainability activity with targets and evidence of progress part of your journey. Have a look at the South Yorkshire Police Sustainability Strategy to see how they have included the SDGs in the strategy.

    Not started

    Action status last updated: 13 March 2023


We keep up to date with new technology or approaches to working so we can identify innovation or gains in efficiencies

New technologies or innovative approaches are often crucial to positioning and competitiveness. An efficient and responsible business understands the benefits that come from being efficient with resources.

  • Keep up-to-date with new developments within your sector

    Businesses should make an effort to seek out new innovations within their sector, especially in relation to resource or process efficiency. Are there new options that can future-proof your company from rising costs? Are your customers keen that you offer new and improved products and services. Keeping up-to-date can be crucial.

    Not started

    Action status last updated: 13 March 2023


We are keen to communicate with our customers

An effective and responsible business understands that customers can be your biggest supporters and so it is important to communicate openly and honestly with them.

  • Ensure your staff can be responsive

    Your staff are often at the front-line when it comes to communicating with your customers. Make sure that communications messages are disseminated clearly and effectively so that messages are consistent no matter which messenger is used. Training for front-line staff is likely to be essential to ensure this happens consistently.

    Not started

    Action status last updated: 13 March 2023

  • Understand that communication is a two-way process

    Find ways to ensure your customers can communicate with you and respond to the stories you are sharing with them. Social media can be a great way to establish dialigue with your clients but an old-fashioned feedback form can be just as effective. Think about what will work for you and your customers.

    Not started

    Action status last updated: 13 March 2023

Environmental Issues and Impacts

Actions selected in this sector will help increase your environmental sustainability. Indicate against actions from this list whether they are in progress, are ready to start or have already completed.

Your issues Your action plan

My business will always try and use recycled products over new


Choose sustainable energy suppliers


Walk, cycle or public transport before car (if possible).


Positive and active recycling.


We are keen to communicate our environmental or sustainability commitments and performance

Having sustainability policies and plans embedded within your business provides an opportunity for you to communicate your ambition and progress. This might help you demonstrate leadership in your sector, align with your customers' values or simply enhance your position in the marketplace. Select this issue to explore ways to communicate your sustainability journey or to share your existing good practice.

  • Demonstrate progress against this action plan

    At least one of your customers has encouraged you to use this tool to generate an Action Plan. The simplest way to keep them informed is to update it regularly with your progress. You can also use the 'EXPORT PLAN' button at the bottom of the page to send it directly to individuals, such as potential new customers. You could also add it to your website, if you have one, to make a more public statement.

    Not started

    Action status last updated: 13 March 2023


We set (or want to set) targets to improve our sustainability

Setting clear, measurable targets is an important element of any organisation's commitment to sustainability. Targets to reduce your negative impacts will be important but a more holistic view will also demonstrate your commitment to society and the economy. Select this issue to consider how best to use targets in your business or to capture how you already do this effectively.

  • Develop an environmental or sustainability policy

    A policy is a simply written statement outlining your organisation's commitment to managing environmental or sustainability impacts. It outlines the key areas of your business you hope to improve and so can include environmental, social and/or economic considerations and targets. You could use this Action Plan as the basis of your policy as it provides an overview of sustainability areas for you to focus on.

    Not started

    Action status last updated: 13 March 2023

  • Share sustainability stories of your business

    A simple blog post, a conversation with your customers or an update on your website is enough to share your progress, large or small. Think about developing a case study to showcase your work. Even the smallest initiative can be an excuse to tell a positive story about your business.

    Not started

    Action status last updated: 13 March 2023


We are keen to manage our response to the challenge of sustainability in a structured and transparent manner

How an organisation manages its response to sustainability is an important indicator of its commitment. It also demonstrates an understanding of how sustainability interacts with core business practice. Governance structures need to include sustainability, which may require adapting them or even creating new ones. A well-developed governance structure usually makes it easier to set targets and report on and celebrate your sustainability activities.

  • Establish a governance structure to strategically manage your commitment to sustainability

    Your governance structure will depend not only on the size and scale of your business but also how it is structured. Governance can range from a small group of staff to external committees with dedicated staff. It is also acceptable to embed sustainability into existing governance structures. Consider diversity and inclusion as part of developing your governance structures to ensure a range of voices are heard and scrutiny comes from a range of perspectives.

    Not started

    Action status last updated: 13 March 2023


We are keen to strengthen our commitment to carbon reduction in the light of the climate emergency

The UK Government has legislated for 'net zero' greenhouse gas emissions to help halt climate change. Leading businesses are making their own commitments to achieving net-zero and making plans to reduce their carbon emissions. This is a complex and long-term ambition requiring appropriate planning and investment.

  • Generate your own energy

    An increasing number of larger organisations are making commitments either to source 100% of their energy from renewables or to generate their own. Consider the feasibility of generating your own renewable energy

    Not started

    Action status last updated: 13 March 2023

  • Understand the carbon impact of your business

    Understanding the carbon impacts of your business operations is an important first step in developing an action plan to help you manage and reduce them. Broadly this means looking at the energy you consume, travel and transport, waste production the type of catering you provide and the impact of the products you purchase. This activity is the first step in developing a carbon action plan. This survey developed by the University of Leicester is a useful way to identify the types of data you will need to gather and You can also use a carbon calculator tool such as this one from the Carbon trust

    Not started

    Action status last updated: 13 March 2023

  • Develop and implement a carbon action plan

    A carbon reduction plan will enable you to demonstrate your commitment to de-carbonisation and evidence that you are responding to the climate challenges in a focussed way. It will detail your key impact areas and detail your plans to reduce them. Use this editable template to get you started.

    Not started

    Action status last updated: 13 March 2023

  • Provide carbon literacy training for staff

    Changing staff behaviours is at the heart of reducing carbon emissions (particularly in the short-term). Providing meaningful training and support for staff so they can become carbon literate and understand carbon impacts as they relate to your organisation will help them take action. Many organisations are exploring the carbon literacy project as a way forward.

    Not started

    Action status last updated: 13 March 2023

  • Achieve carbon reduction certification (Carbon Trust Standard, Planet Mark or equivalent)

    It may be appropriate for your organisation to obtain certification that provides assurance in relation to your carbon reduction activities. Organisations, operations and products can all be certificated, consider which might be relevant to your context. The Carbon Trust might be a good place to start this exploration.

    Not started

    Action status last updated: 13 March 2023

  • Report against your carbon reduction commitments

    Regular reporting of progress against carbon reduction commitments is recognised as good practice. This could include a mixture of progress against specific targets and case studies and examples of projects.

    Not started

    Action status last updated: 13 March 2023

  • Consider carbon offsetting

    Important! It is best to look at carbon offsetting after you have reduced your carbon footprint as much as you can first. Carbon offset schemes allow individuals and companies to invest in environmental projects around the world in order to balance out their own carbon footprints. The projects are usually based in developing countries and often designed to reduce future emissions. However there are also options around offsetting projects locally to support the communities where you are based. For a fuller overview please see this briefing note NETpositive Futures has produced.

    Not started

    Action status last updated: 13 March 2023

  • Reduce your carbon footprint through food choices

    The food we consume comes with a large carbon impact across the whole life cycle of our food, from ground to plate. Whilst we should not try to control the diet of our staff we can reduce the carbon footprint of the events we might host or on-site catering facilities. This might be as simple as providing meat free options or plant based meals. Have a look here for more information on the carbon impact of food The University Caterers Organisation (TUCO) has developed a free tool to calculate the greenhouse gas footprint of your menu choices.

    Not started

    Action status last updated: 13 March 2023