Last Updated: 01 March 2024
This is your sustainability action plan based on the issues and impacts you have selected as being relevant to your business.
The questions in the ‘About your business’ section of the Tool are scored.
A range of answers has been provided for each question in each section and each answer is scored with the maximum obtainable as follows:
Modern Slavery – maximum score 15
Ethical Business Practice – maximum score 31
Climate Emergency – maximum score 20
Equality Diversity and Inclusion - maximum score 20
Social/Community Contribution – maximum score 17
Maximum Score = 103
The allocation of levels enables your university/consortia clients to understand your progress on the issues contained in the action plan. A description of the levels is below:
Level 1: Early stages of your sustainability journey with lots of scope for improvements 20% of total score
Level 2: Some good practice in certain areas, with the opportunity to develop further 20-50% of total score
Level 3: Demonstrates a very good understanding of sustainability and social value related to your business practice 50-80% of total score
Level 4: Best in class, this demonstrates a comprehensive commitment to running a sustainable business 80-100% of total score
Level: Level 3
Score: 57
Actions you select here will help increase your NETpositive impact on society. Indicate against actions from this list whether they are in progress, are ready to start or have already completed.
Your issues | Your action plan |
We should know more about where the things we buy come from and how they are madeEvery product we buy has a story attached to it; how it is made, what it is made from, who has made it and where it has travelled from. These stories all have both positive and negative impacts. Select this issue to explore how to embed responsible purchasing in your business or to share your own approach. |
We have an opportunity to make a positive contribution in our local communityOrganisations are likely to have a range of positive or negative impacts on their immediate locality; a responsible business will strive to understand what these impacts are. They will then seek to reduce any negative impacts and make the most of opportunities to enhance the positive impacts they could have. |
We make work accessible to people from all backgroundsDiscriminating against potential job candidates, or employees based on the protected characteristics detailed in the Equality Act 2010 including: age, sexual orientation, gender, disability, race and socio-economic background leads to an unequal workplace environment and is breaking the law. An equitable workplace will generally have a high level of morale, which leads to better customer satisfaction |
Improving staff wellbeing and mental health is important to usAll businesses have obligations to meet Health and Safety requirements but an efficient and responsible business really understands the difference a happy and healthy workforce can make - not least to its bottom line! Select this issue to explore actions to help you go beyond compliance or to share your existing good practice in this area. |
Actions you select here will help increase your financial resilience, reduce your business risk and generate a positive impact on the wider economy. Indicate against actions in this list whether they are in progress, are ready to start or have already completed.
Your issues | Your action plan |
We want to be part of a robust, resilient and ethical supply chainEnsuring strong business relationships are formed with suppliers is key to maintaining and developing trust along your supply chains. An effective and responsible business will be keen to share its values with its suppliers for mutual benefit. |
We are keen to deliver social innovation for our customersInnovation is required to respond to an uncertain future. Whether this is the re-shaping of a post-pandemic world or responding to challenges presented by the Climate Emergency. Exploring innovation and sharing learning is an essential part of responsible business. |
We are keen our business contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).192 Member States of the United Nations (including the UK) agreed new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2015. They will need the support of businesses to achieve them. Select this statement to explore how your business can get ready to meet this new global challenge. |
We keep up to date with new technology or approaches to working so we can identify innovation or gains in efficienciesNew technologies or innovative approaches are often crucial to positioning and competitiveness. An efficient and responsible business understands the benefits that come from being efficient with resources. |
Actions selected in this sector will help increase your environmental sustainability. Indicate against actions from this list whether they are in progress, are ready to start or have already completed.
Your issues | Your action plan |
We are keen to communicate our environmental or sustainability commitments and performanceHaving sustainability policies and plans embedded within your business provides an opportunity for you to communicate your ambition and progress. This might help you demonstrate leadership in your sector, align with your customers' values or simply enhance your position in the marketplace. Select this issue to explore ways to communicate your sustainability journey or to share your existing good practice. |
We set (or want to set) targets to improve our sustainabilitySetting clear, measurable targets is an important element of any organisation's commitment to sustainability. Targets to reduce your negative impacts will be important but a more holistic view will also demonstrate your commitment to society and the economy. Select this issue to consider how best to use targets in your business or to capture how you already do this effectively. |
We are keen to manage our response to the challenge of sustainability in a structured and transparent mannerHow an organisation manages its response to sustainability is an important indicator of its commitment. It also demonstrates an understanding of how sustainability interacts with core business practice. Governance structures need to include sustainability, which may require adapting them or even creating new ones. A well-developed governance structure usually makes it easier to set targets and report on and celebrate your sustainability activities. |
We are keen to strengthen our commitment to carbon reduction in the light of the climate emergencyThe UK Government has legislated for 'net zero' greenhouse gas emissions to help halt climate change. Leading businesses are making their own commitments to achieving net-zero and making plans to reduce their carbon emissions. This is a complex and long-term ambition requiring appropriate planning and investment. |